
Skateboarding: A Subculture

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The idea of skateboarding came around 1950s from the surfers who had a concept to surf on the streets and not just on water. A way to practice surfing on the ground maybe? Oh well, who knows. It wasn’t an idea of one person but a group of young boys having the same thoughts. When it was first introduced it spread like a virus to even some poor places. Everyone got the interest and wanted to try this new ‘hot’ thing in town. It was more of an interest than an identity.

Maybe what people love about skateboarding is it has no rules compare to other sports. You are free to create any new tricks and there are no boundaries. Riding in backyard pools became the popular style of skateboarding early on, but eventually moved out into parking lots in the 80s where skateboarders would use parking curbs to perform tricks as if it were the edge of a pool. Now, more and more people are choosing skateboarding over sports like football or basketball. The number of skate parks is increasing by time.tumblr_meiiclrXsJ1rs3idco1_500

Despite all this love for skateboarding, to the public skaters are attached with a negative stigma. Skaters were banned from most public places. They became outsiders, when they go to public places, they were hassle, move on, or even fined by the police and created an attitude that held together the idea of skater identity. I think even today it’s misrepresented in the public’s eye. It’s more of creativity and unity between the members of this subculture. It’s not bad as you think it is.

Skaters style was no different from Surfer’s style both groups wore extra-large, brightly patterned ‘baggies’, bold, graphic T-shirts and Vans. , Moreover, It was a way of showing Skaters difference to the Roller skaters in their tight-fitting Lycra. However, now there isn’t one clothing style that skateboarders strive toward, and they can be very diverse ranging from punk rock clothing with skinny jeans to a more hip hop style with more baggy clothes.

Brands like Quicksilver and DC are example that has managed to portray the image of this subculture. There style focus on the skaters and give other people a chance to dress like skaters though they might not really practice this subculture. Famous skater Tony Hawk has his own brand by his name ‘Tony Hawk’. It has a various range from clothes to shoes and even accessories.

img7935uEven singers are involved in skateboarding. Musicians like Whiz Khalifa and Lil Wayne style come from this subculture. Lil Wayne has even launched his own skateboard-oriented line ‘Trukfit’. It was inspired by his passion for skateboarding and Quality Street wear. Wayne’s line features bold graphic Tees, hats, and skateboards, obviously, all at a “moderate price point.

tumblr_mesiqu5dPP1qm45xqo1_400The craze for skateboarding grows day by day. More young boys and even girls are getting the interest for this subculture. For them it’s a way to have an identity and find a place which fits them and that’s skateboarding. Even the skateboard itself is a way to show ones personality. I myself love skateboarding and love watching the crazy and wild tricks.Skater Girl


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